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April 23, 2010
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The Pier

Important Events for AOTB Residents
Please Attend the Next General Meeting
Saturday, April 24, 10 a.m.
Hillsmere Library


Thanks to Mother Nature our Community is obliged to allocate more dollars than originally budgeted for snow removal this year. On February 16 the Board of Directors voted to move $21,000 from the category of Drainage to the category of Snow Removal. This transfer will leave $12,000 in the Drainage budget and increase Snow Removal to $26,000 -- and that just covers the bills for our extraordinary winter. Budget reallocation requires approval by the Community so it's critical that we have a quorum for that vote. Please come out, enjoy the meeting, and vote on this budget change.

Spring is around the corner! Not only does that mean that we get to see something other than snow, but we also to move into our "election cycle." Arundel-On-The-Bay needs leaders who are innovative, energetic, and dedicated to promoting the well being of the community. Nominations for officers of the Association will be held at the General Meeting this Saturday at 10 a.m.
Volunteers are needed for the offices of Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Member (three slots) on the Board of Directors. You may refer to the Constitution to learn the duties and responsibilities of each open position. The Constitution is published in the Membership Directory and posted on the community website,, at this link.

Nominees for elected offices must be full members at the time they are nominated, at the time they are elected, and for the entire period of their term in office. The constitution defines full members as "...real property owners only, as listed on the tax list of Arundel-On-The-Bay as provided by Anne Arundel County, and shall include the owners of both improved and unimproved properties located in Arundel-On-The-Bay."

See you Saturday!